Thursday 17 April 2008


A record number of 46 entries and further new members joining Prism Photographic Club helped to make the “Yellow” night a very vibrant and fun evening.
Before the judging began, the president Wendy Meade announced the winners in The Prism Open Competition’s first round entitled “Guernsey”. Barry Wells kindly agreed to judge this first of three rounds and placed Annie Woodington in first and fourth place, Glen Irven in second place, Jeremy Stranger third and Wendy Meade in fifth place. Again the enthusiasm of club members and their willingness to take time and effort to compete meant that there was a good entry of 17 images. The second round, “Open Monochrome” is more challenging and Robin Millard, president of the Guernsey Photographic Club has agreed to judge the clubs offerings at the end of May.
In the league subject “Yellow”, Mags Fewkes in her absence took first place in the large format prints with “Golden Aspens”. A superb shot showing excellence throughout every dimension. Repetitive lines, balanced structure, 100% on subject and beautifully printed and displayed, Golden Aspens was a sure winner. In second place Rachel Lee’s “A Twist of Lemon” was one of many “lemon shots” but as usual Rachel had put her own twist to the interpretation. Expensive studio lighting and professional studio set ups are out of reach of most members who usually find that clever use of kitchen tables, natural lighting and a few well chosen props often produce some pleasing results. Rachel is a master at using what is available and capturing winning shots. In third place Wendy Meade gained points with a pleasing shot of a yellow boat hull entitled “Old Sea Dog” Very textural and quite abstract this striking image was enhanced by the deep blue underbelly of the boat highlighting the yellow in pleasing contrast.
In the enprint section Sarah Finch tied with Pete Brehaut for first place. Sarah’s image of “Citrus Streaks” made everyone puzzled as to how she had achieved this wispy, and beautiful abstract image. “Yet another kitchen studio and sun streaming through the kitchen window” was the reply! Pete’s shot of “Lemons” made peoples’ mouths water and was a well deserved points winner. The thoughtful lighting and clever formation helped by the black background and spot on printing made this the best of the many lemon entries.
In second place Annie Woodington took a more artistic approach and produced a completely different image of two semi-peeled lemons cleverly perched on a pane of glass. Annie too is experimenting with “The Kitchen Studio” technique and like others coming up with exciting and original images.
Judging by the number of egg yolks and lemons used to produce the images for this week’s competition, I am guessing in member’s homes there will be a lot of lemon curd to be made or possibly a lot of G and T’s to be drunk!

On May8th the subject is “Weathered”
New members to The Prism Photographic Club are always made welcome at the Thursday meetings at the Forest Methodist Church Halls; please call Wendy Meade 265001 or Carlton Greening 07781101471 to find out more information.

Photos from this competition:

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